September 12, 2009


According to a recent Forbes article, Buenos Aires is (perceived to be) the 10th happiest city in the world. Rio de Janeiro topped off the list at number 1, and all those in between are in Australia, Europe, Brazil again, and only one in the US (take a wild guess which one).

The reason given for BA making the list is rather disappointing:
"Argentina's largest city makes the cut in part for its relative proximity to the first city on this list. "It's a slightly diluted version of Rio," says Anholt. "I suspect people know far less about Buenos Aires than Rio. They may not know it's in Argentina, but they know it's in Latin America.""
I don't doubt that most people don't know too much about Buenos Aires, but I'd like to think it's perceived to be one of the happiest cities for reasons other than just its proximity to Rio! My friends and I can certainly list quite a few :)
Either way, I'm proud that my current home made the list.

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